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The Gifford Lab

Our group examines the molecular biodiversity found in microbial communities and the role bacteria play in shaping the chemistry and ecology of marine and freshwater ecosystems. We use genomics, expression analysis, and rate measurements both in the field and the laboratory to investigate fundamental questions about how lakes and the ocean’s smallest inhabitants drive some of their most important processes.

For an overview of our current projects see the RESEARCH page and NEWS (coming soon) for the latest lab activities. You can also find PUBLICATIONS from past work and a list of our current lab members (PEOPLE). If you’re interested in working with the lab please see the CONTACT page.

Scott Gifford

Associate Professor, Sewell Family Foundation Fellow
Department of Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
4202G Murray/Venable Hall, CB 3300
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3300

Phone: (919) 962-9062

Link to downloadable CV Adobe Acrobat PDF Icon
Link to Google Scholar Page


Education and Academic Positions

2021 – Associate Professor, Sewell Family Foundation Scholar
Department of Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2015- Assistant Professor, Sewell Family Foundation Fellow
Department of Marine Sciences, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2012-2015 Postdoctoral Associate,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Advisor: Dr. Edward DeLong

2011 Ph.D. Marine Sciences
The University of Georgia
Advisor: Dr. Mary Ann Moran

2006 M.S. Marine Science
San Francisco State University
Advisor: Dr. Steve Bollens and Dr. Gretchen Bollens


Honors and Awards

2015 Romberg Tiburon Center Distinguished Alumnus Award

2010 UGA Marine Sciences Outstanding Research Award

2010 International Society of Microbial Ecology (ISME) Early Researcher poster award

2004 San Francisco Bay Scholarship